Sunday, February 26, 2017

Typing Club and Waggle

Today, we will begin the day with Typing Club:

Typing Club

Please be sure to go back to the beginning of the program and make sure you have at least four stars on each level.

Next, we will login to Waggle, and practice some math facts.

Use this link:


Your login will be your last name, then your first initial.
Your password will be hts12345

Your teacher will have your login information for you.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Today, we will begin the day with Typing Club:

Typing Club

Please be sure to go back to the beginning of the program and make sure you have at least four stars on each level.

Next, we will login to Waggle, and practice some math facts.

Use this link:


Your login will be your last name, then your first initial.
Your password will be hts12345

Your teacher will have your login information for you.