Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Game

Try out this Thanksgiving game.

In this game there is a table full of food and a bunch of family members. 
Your task is to arrange the family members to sit at the table. 
Each family member has their own preference of whether 
to sit close to a certain dish, or not to sit close to a certain dish, 
they may also like to sit close to a certain person, or not to sit close to a certain person.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Acrostic Poems in PowerPoint

Today, everyone will create an acrostic poem using the word TURKEY.  Please open PowerPoint (Start button/All Programs/Microsoft Office folder/Microsoft PowerPoint.

If you finish your acrostic poem, you may login to Kidblog.  Please write about your favorite part of your trip to Annapolis.  Follow these instructions to login to Kidblog:
1.  Click this link to go to your blog: 3rd Grade Kidblog
2.  Click on the triangle and find your name.
3.  Type your password which is:  reader3
4.  Click on the top blue bar that says "Mrs. Miller's 3rd Grade Tech Class"
5.  Read the assignment and follow the directions to respond.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Finish Life Cycle Projects and Homophones

When you have finished your Explain Everything project (you have typed your text, added your images and completed your recording), please login to your computer.
You will practice homophones today.  Click on the link below the picture.

Homophones - Matching

Spelling City Homophone Games

Monday, November 18, 2013

Explain Everything Projects

Lifecycle of a Butterfly
Lifecycle of a Frog

  1. Finish adding text (type the steps in the lifecycle process)
  2. Go to Safari to look up images for your project.  In the Search bar at the top:
TYPE:  kids butterfly lifecycle
TYPE: kids frog lifecycle

Hold your finger on the image and then tap Save Image.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Explain Everything App - Life Cycle Project on the iPad

Today, everyone will create a presentation using the Explain Everything app to explain the life cycle of a butterfly or of a frog.  You must include the following:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Voice recording