Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More Poetry Today

Today, you will finish the acrostic poem you started yesterday.  These are the steps for finding your acrostic poem on your computer:
1. Login
2. Click the Start button (the blue circle with colorful flag) in the lower left corner of the screen
3. Click on Computer
4. Double click on YOUR network drive (tartaglinom, etc.)
5. You will see a list of all of the documents you have created this year.  Find your acrostic poem on the list and double click on it to open.
Once you have finished the Acrostic poem, you will begin working on a Diamante poem.  Click on the link below to begin the Diamante poem:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Poetry Day!

Please use Power Point for your Acrostic poem.  Do you remember when we worked on acrostic poems in 2nd grade?  We used the word SNOW.  After you have finished typing your poem, you may insert some clip art.

Please go through the website called Read Write Think for your Diamante poem.  Click on the link below to get started:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Storybird Today

While I am at a Technology conference in Baltimore, you will continue to work on the stories that you began last week using www.storybird.com.  If there is enough time, your Language Arts teacher may also work with you on creating an Acrostic Poem.  I am looking forward to continuing this work with you when I return.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Storybird Today!!

Today, everyone will login to www.storybird.com and create their own story.  Considering you are working on a fantasy unit in Language Arts, your stories should have an element of fantasy in them.  Everyone's story must include:
- A beginning
- A middle (the problem in the story)
- An end (the resolution or solution to the problem)

Your Language Arts teacher has given us a graphic organizer that you will use as a guide while you are writing your story.  The graphic organizer includes:
- Title for your story
- Setting
- Characters
- Problem
- Resolution

You must also use:
- Strong, descriptive words for your verbs and adjectives
- Proper upper case and lower case letters
- Correct spelling
- Complete sentences

I can't wait to read your stories!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pixie Geometry Drawings

Your challenge today is to use a variety of lines and angles to create a Pixie drawing.  Mrs. Khanijoun and Mrs. DeFoor would like you to practice using the following geometry terms:

You can be wildly creative, and use them in many ways to illustrate a picture.  I would like to see you USE and LABEL at least five of the terms above.  Here are a few of examples from last year's class:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

More Ocean Animal Research & Prefixes

Today, I would like you to continue to research websites for your Ocean Animal Project.  Continue to fill out your sheet with as many interesting facts as you can find.  If you haven't already printed an article from one of the websites, then please choose one today.  You can also read the articles you have printed and highlight the important facts.

Once you have finished with your research, click on the link below to play Jeopardy Prefixes:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ocean Websites for Research

Hello Third Graders,

You are about to embark on research for your Ocean Life project, so we have put together a bank of resources to help you.  It is always wise to begin with online Encyclopedias, such as Britannica and Groliers, then move to the other websites. You will spend today exploring the following sites, and filling out information on your fact sheets. Have fun!

Mrs. Miller
Britannica Online